Friday, November 19, 2010

Jonah 2:8

Jonah 2:8 ESV
Those who pay regard to vain idols
forsake the hope of steadfast love.
Jonah 2:8 NIV
Those who cling to worthless idols,
forsake the grace that could be theirs
I'm reading the ESV right now (25 more pages and I will have finished reading it through).  But I memorized the verse several years ago in the NIV.
An interesting question in regards to this verse is, "To whom is Jonah referring here, himself or the Ninevites?  I am inclined to believe he is talking about himself. And I think the idol he is referring to is the bitterness he nurtured in his own heart so that he was unwilling to love the Ninevites enough to share God's love.  The grace or steadfast love He forsook was that of joy and peace.
Of course, an argument can be made for him referring to Nineveh because he obviously hadn't learned the lesson by the time the events of chapter 4 came about (I happen to believe he wrote Jonah and that ultimately he did repent!).
The point is that if you are clinging/paying regard to idols then you will not experience God's grace.  Therefore, whatever you hold to higher value than God or obedience to God you must reject it at the poisonous vomit that it is.  Cling to your God and you will have the steadfast love (correct translation) you need.
Praise You Father for steadfast love.
Praise You Son for forgiving us so we could experience steadfast love.
Praise You Spirit for moving in and through us so we can share that steadfast love.
Hoping in steadfast love with you,
Pastor Greg

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