Monday, August 30, 2010

2 Samuel 12:20

2 Samuel 12:20 ESV

Then David arose from the earth and washed and anointed himself and changed his clothes. And he went into the house of the LORD and worshiped. He then went to his own house. And when he asked, they set food before him, and he ate.


The son born to David because of his sin died.  David had fasted and wept and refused to be comforted.  So when his son died, David’s counselors did not want to tell him because they were afraid David might harm himself.  Instead ‘he went into the house of the Lord and worshipped.’


David’s heart was so after God (in spite of his sin…this is mind boggling…) that when he faced one of his greatest crises he worshipped.


This says something about David’s sin as well.  David did sin; he allowed his flesh to get in the way of his reason (actually, the story makes many sins apparent, all the more proof that such egregious sin does not happen alone).  But David’s heart remained essentially true to the Lord, as is evidenced here.


This does not give us license to sin; what it does is explain that one who is generally oriented towards the Lord still falls to sin.  But that sin is no longer characteristic of him.  We sin, but we fight.  The surest sign of the genuineness of our faith is our willingness to repent when our sin is disclosed.  The surest sign of the genuineness of our faith is our willingness to worship when we are struggling with our flesh.


Praise You Father that You accept our imperfect worship.

Praise You Son that You lived the perfect life for us.

Praise You Spirit that You work out our salvation in our lives through us.


Repenting for God’s glory with you,

Pastor Greg

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