Interesting to me is that in 19:47 Dan lost his inheritance and yet ‘not a word of the good promises that the Lord had made to the house of Israel had failed’.
Evidently, the promises of the Lord are in some way dependent upon the actions of men. Does that mean we can’t trust the promises of God? Should we fear that my actions or attitudes or those of someone else will place the promises of God in danger? No, because none of those promises failed He made to Israel (or Dan).
Instead, we must continue to seek Him (Deut 4:29) and confess our sins (1 John 1:9). Doing these things puts us in a position to be blessed: to be the recipients of God’s promises.
So seek Him. So repent when you have sinned. Start today.
Praise You Father for giving us righteous commands and promises.
Praise You Son for giving us the opportunity to be forgiven.
Praise You Spirit for showing us how to repent.
Seeking and repenting along with you,
Pastor Greg
'Doing these things puts us in a position to be blessed: to be the recipients of God’s promises.' Love that, it's a very concise description of what happens and how these work together. Thanks for the reminder and encouragement. I need them both.