Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Psalm 18:25-26

Psalm 18:25 ESV

With the merciful you show yourself merciful; with the blameless man you show yourself blameless;

26 with the purified you show yourself pure; and with the crooked you make yourself seem tortuous.


Why do some believe when they hear the Good News and others do not?  Obviously the answer is, those whom the Father chooses (Matt 11:27).  And yet, there remains the human perspective that we too choose either to serve or disobey God. 


These verses help us understand the human perspective on this question.  Men behave in a certain way and God responds accordingly.  He loves to be gracious and He loves to bless.  For those however who choose to live ‘crookedly’ among the people around them God makes Himself ‘seem tortuous’.  The wicked cannot love God because to them He seems to be a cruel taskmaster (Matt 25:14-30). 


It is for this reason (others could also be named) that we must live as joyfully as possible so that those who are apart from God may see that we base our hope and our joy on something other than what the world has to give.  Praise Jesus that over time we can wean ourselves from the poison this world has to offer and come to love the nourishment of our Savior.  Give us this blessed dependence oh Father.


Praise You Father for showing yourself merciful.

Praise You Son for being the instrument of that mercy.

Praise You Spirit for showering us with that mercy for Your glory.


Basking in the warmth of God’s mercy with you,

Pastor Greg

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