Psalm 24:1-2 ESV
The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein,
2 for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers.
Truth: such a wonderful blessing to know the truth. Men search high and low: some to cover the truth with their lies; others to find what is true but not to rejoice in it, but to use it for themselves and their stomach. But God’s Word is Truth; in it we see God revealing Himself so that we may know, so that we may become more like Him in speaking the truth to men about us.
We cannot know full truth while corrupted with our sinful flesh. But the truth we can know is fully truth.
And this truth is that the earth belongs to the Lord; the earth and everyone who lives in it. We blush at this because we see the evil; we cringe because we know the evil in our own hearts: Forgive us oh Lord! Count not my trespasses against me! Lift the burden off my family and those whom You have give me to love!
And we know that the Earth and everyone in it belongs to the Lord because He is the One who established it, founding it upon the unknown and unknowable. Praise be to Him Who is far greater than we can even imagine.
Praise You Father for creating.
Praise You Son for saving.
Praise You Spirit for sealing.
Seeking the Truth with you,
Pastor Greg
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