Monday, June 28, 2010

Ephesians 1:23

'the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him Who fills all in
all.' (NASB) Eph 1:23

In what way is the church 'the fullness of Him'?

Obviously not in the sense that He is the Church and nothing else; He
would be a frail and wishy washy kind of God if that were true.

Obviously not in the sense that He 'fills all in all' through the
church; there is plenty that (for now at least) has nothing to do with
the human beings that make up His Body: the moons of Jupiter for

We are the fulness of Christ in that we are the repesentation that the
world needs to know Him. We are the Good News written on hearts (2 Cor
3:1-3), we are the fragrance of God to those around us (2 Cor
2:14-17), we are the fleshy representation so others can see and know
what Christ looks like.

Praise Jesus that He is so great that He can use such poor tools to
make His Glory known to all the world.

Father You are so great that You were bursting with life and spilled
over to create the Universe and all the life in it.
Son, You are so great that You gave Life to the dead because death
tried to claim You but could not and for those Who follow You, You
lead from the clutches of death and bring us to Life.
Spirit, You are so great that You energize life; You make atoms and
molecules dance in ways that cannot be explained but can only be

Praise You Jesus!

How can You praise Jesus this morning?

Living in Him with You,
Pastor Greg

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