Sunday, June 20, 2010

John 1:18

"No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Fathers' side, he has made him known." John 1:18

This is another beautiful 'Trinity' verses. But what I am concerned with today is the fact that 'no one has ever seen God'.

Where it true in an absolute sense that no one has ever seen God we would have no knowledge of God. Fortunately, God came with skin on so we could see him. How does this verse teach this remarkable fact.
1. 'The only God': there is only one God. He exists eternally with God as God.
2. 'Who is at the Father's side': This One God is somehow in at least two persons one of whom is the Father and the other is the One who is next to the Father (John 1:14).
3. 'Has made Him known': This God has made God known; He has displayed God (Col 1:15).

We can rejoice this morning because God has made Himself known: we cannot comprehend God, that is, we cannot 'get our minds around' so to speak all of who God is; but we can understand Him, He has made Himself known through His Son and now we can understand who He is and why He does (much) of what He does.

Father, praise You that You are incomprehensible.
Son, praise You that You made Yourself known.
Spirit, praise You that You reveal Yourself to us today.

What have you done today to know God better? What have you done that would tend to obscure your sight of Him?

Seeking God together with you,
Pastor Greg

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