Saturday, August 21, 2010

1 Samuel 2:12

1 Samuel 2:12

     "Now the sons of Eli were worthless men. They did not know the LORD"


People, when they think of God at all think of Him more as a loving grandfather who spoils His children.  On the one hand I can't imagine where on earth they get this idea because none of them win the lottery or find gold in their backyard...  but of course, by far, most of our decisions are NOT made by logic; most of our daily decisions are made based on our emotions, what we want to be true.  On the other hand this makes perfect sense because God has given us such a wonderful world.  We rejoice in the rain, we rejoice in the fruit of the earth, we rejoice in the tri tip the Lord provides: it makes perfect sense to see God as an all loving God.


But, as Lewis said, love does not equal kindness (as many think), love includes much that is painful (as a parent how it feels to make his child take a shot in a doctors office; ask a spouse how it feels to confront about a painful sin; ask a pastor how it feels to counsel someone who steadfastly refuses to repent from drinking the poison that is destroying them from the inside out.


Not only that, but the kindly grandfather image doesn't work because there is more than enough evidence that God also judges His people.  Here is an example of two men that God obviously did not love.  The judgment of the Holy Spirit inspired writer is that these were 'worthless men'.  I can't think of many insults that would be worse than that.  A worthless man is one who is good for nothing, someone who is not fulfilling the God ordained purpose for his life: he is worthless.


And what was the key characteristic that the author pointed out was that they "did not know the Lord'.  These men were the priests and they were the sons of the Judge of Israel.  These were important men.  They were probably relatively rich.  They were probably relatively inteligent; one of the few in their culture to be taught.  But they were worthless.  Don't be worthless.  Don't rely on any gifts you have; they can be taken from you in a moment.  Don't rely on any connections you have; you know as well as I that people can turn against you in a moment.  Instead, know the Lord.


Praise You Father that You choose based on Your own judgment.

Praise You Son that You won for us all that we need.

Praise You Spirit that You work in us to love us for Your glory.


Knowing God better along with you,

Pastor Greg

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