Sunday, September 12, 2010

2 kIngs 21-25

Good King Josiah entered the world of politics at the age of 8.  I’m sure that the priests and his officials ran the country for several years; but the amazing courage he (and/or they) showed was amazing.  Imagine yourself making all of the changes in the religious fabric of the society.  Imagine killing horses just because they were dedicated to the sun-god.  How many were just shaking their heads in wonder as all these animals (and thousands of dollars of other things were needlessly destroyed?  Of course they weren’t needlessly destroyed, but that is a matter of faith.  And faith is an essential (read: total, complete, altogether) change in how one looks at life.  Faith is looking at sun-god dedicated horses and seeing defilement, seeing wretched worship, seeing ‘how could my fathers’ have done this!’  Faith is looking at sun-god dedicated horses and not caring about the money (‘couldn’t he have just sold the horses?’) and wanting the honor of God to be preeminent!  Amen!  Lord, let me make such choices.


But then, Josiah’s life ended (what we would call prematurely…but that only means we value physical life over eternal…shame on us!).  Josiah sent himself on a fool’s errand (from our point of view) to fight with the most powerful nation in his part of the world.  But notice that 11.5 years later his country was overtaken by Babylon.  It seems clear that God took Josiah home so he wouldn’t have to experience that (note Enoch’s death before the Flood…do the math!). 


It seems that God loves His people, and that He takes care of His own (Psalm 116:15).


Thank You Father for ordaining all the days of my life.

Thank You Son for delivering me from the death I owe.

Thank You Spirit for living in me for my good and Your glory.


Living the life God gives me along with you,

Pastor Greg

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